Kava (Piper methysticum) is native to the South Pacific islands of Fiji and Tonga with a long history of use as an anti-anxiety drug and euphoric effect due to its psychotropic effects on the central nervous system.

Kava contains many plant compounds that are known to be anti-inflammatory. Research has found that due to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, kava can be a beneficial additive to functional cosmetics such as anti-aging skin care products, sunscreens, and more. And it was also found to be an effective anti-inflammatory in treating periodontitis, an inflammatory gum disease.

▪︎Helping Anxiety Disorders
A 2020 study confirmed this with trials using kava root extract to treat anxiety disorders. The results found that liver abnormalities were significantly more present in the treatment group that received kava. This led to the conclusion that kava is very effective as an anxiolytic (anti-anxiety).

▪︎Relieve Pain
Even the NFL is getting on board with the pain-relieving benefits of kava! Due to its pain-relieving properties, kava is claimed to be a potential substitute for conventional pharmaceutical pain killers. This is a very important study because kava does not contain the addiction risks associated with pharmaceutical painkillers. Kava can be an effective substitute for pain relief in acute pain situations. Studies have shown kava to have pain-relieving effects similar to morphine.

▪︎Overcome Muscle Tension
Kava’s sedative properties can help with stress-related symptoms of muscle tension and/or muscle spasms. Athletes are already beginning to understand the health benefits of kava and its potential to help improve their performance. The same plant compounds in kava that help relieve anxiety and pain can also work wonders on our muscles. For athletes, loose, relaxed muscles can make them more flexible and ready for action. And because muscle repair occurs naturally when our muscles relax, kava can give muscles time to repair themselves, preventing muscle fatigue and soreness.

▪︎Treating Neurodegenerative Diseases
Several studies have found that kava has neuroprotective properties and is beneficial in the treatment of diseases such as Alzheimer’s and other central nervous system disorders. A 2020 review of 10 studies found kava extract addressed the oxidative stress and neuroinflammatory characteristics of many neurodegenerative diseases. With this discovery, the study concluded that kava could be an alternative medicine to conventional medicine, helping to prolong quality of life.

▪︎Helps Prevent Seizures
Another benefit of kava’s sedative properties is its potential to help prevent seizures. A 2014 study found that kava extract enhances the anti-seizure effect of a synthetic drug (diazepam) commonly used in patients with epilepsy. Due to the health risks associated with long-term use of anti-seizure medications, kava can be used as a very useful alternative in lowering health risks.

▪︎Treating PMS (Premenstrual Syndrome) symptoms Most of the menstrual population relies on over-the-counter pain relievers to help relieve uterine cramps, nausea, and more. Kava is beneficial in helping to relieve the annoying, painful, and debilitating symptoms of PMS. Dr Aviva Romm cites kava as one of her favorite herbs to relieve PMS symptoms.

▪︎Kava Can Overcome Sleep Disorders
Anxiety is a big barrier to good sleep. When we are relaxed, we sleep more soundly. This isn’t really rocket science, is it? However, stress and anxiety have become so much a part of our “normal” that sometimes finding ways to relieve stress does seem like rocket science. Luckily, we have herbs to help us relax. Just like chamomile and lavender, kava can also help with sleep disorders.

▪︎Kava for Cancer Treatment
Kavalactones get all the credit, another group of compounds in kava known as flavokawains have shown the ability to kill cancer cells. A 2005 study found that flavokawain extract was able to kill bladder cancer cells and prevent the formation of new cancer cells, effectively suppressing tumor growth. And in a 2013 study, kava extract also demonstrated anti-tumor activity both in vitro and in vivo in relation to osteosarcoma (bone cancer).

▪︎Kava Helps Overcome Depression
Kava is effective in the treatment of anxiety because of its ability to slow down the passage of messages between the central nervous system and the body. For the same reason, kava can also help in the treatment of depression and provide a euphoric effect, especially since anxiety and depression often go hand in hand.

▪︎Kava Can Be Used As An Alternative To Alcohol
The negative side effects of alcohol have sparked a protracted controversy. And because kava is not addictive and doesn’t affect the central nervous system like alcohol, many people turn to non-alcoholic herbal drinks like kava to help them relieve stress and relax.

▪︎Kava is Beneficial in Treating Substance Addiction
It has been found that kava contains phytochemicals that bind to the same receptors in our brain that are associated with addiction and cravings. Thus, preliminary studies suggest that kava can be very useful in treating substance addiction. With all the negative side effects of drugs such as opioids and benzodiazepines, kava and kavalactone are non-addictive and affect the central nervous system in different ways can be very useful in treating addictions and addictive behaviors.

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