Generally guarana powder/seed contains only 2% Caffeine, so we carry out an extraction process to increase the Caffeine content to 25%, so that our guarana extract is -+ 13 times stronger than regular guarana powder or seeds And 63 times stronger than Arabica coffee

Guarana is a plant that is native to Brazil and other areas along the Amazon river. Having the Latin name Paullinia cupana, this plant produces small fruit and is known for its health benefits. Since ancient times, guarana has also been used in traditional medicine by the Amazonian tribal people. Rich in stimulants and antioxidants.


▪︎Fights free radicals

Guarana contains various types of antioxidants, including caffeine, theobromine, tannins, saponins, and catechins. In fact, guarana contains antioxidants that help neutralize harmful molecules (free radicals) that can interact with cells and cause damage associated with aging, heart disease, and cancer.

▪︎Improve academic performance

Guarana has the potential to improve a person’s ability to learn and remember. According to a study comparing guarana with ginseng, respondents given guarana were better able to pay attention to their tasks and complete them faster, and animal studies show that guarana improves memory.

▪︎Help weight loss diet

Guarana has an effect that helps with weight loss. The potency is believed to come from the caffeine content which is reported to increase the body’s metabolism by 3–11% for 12 hours. A faster metabolism means that the body burns more calories at rest.

▪︎Relieves diarrhea

Guarana is used to relieve digestive problems such as chronic diarrhea and constipation. This is believed to be due to its tannin content which helps make the walls of the digestive tract watertight thereby limiting how much water is secreted into the intestines.

▪︎Maintain heart health

Guarana has two powerful mechanisms for reducing the risk of heart disease. ~ The antioxidant guarana can increase blood flow and prevent blood clots ~ Guarana can reduce the oxidation of bad cholesterol which oxidizes can contribute to plaque buildup in arteries

▪︎Relieves pain

The caffeine in Guarana is used by the Amazons as a pain reliever. Caffeine plays a role in pain management because it binds to and blocks adenosine receptors involved in pain sensation.

▪︎Potential against cancer

Animal research and test-tube studies report that guarana can protect the body from DNA damage, suppress cancer cell growth and stimulate cancer cell death, guarana’s anticancer effect comes from the content of xanthines, a type of compound similar to caffeine and theobromine.

▪︎Against bacterial activity

Guarana contains several compounds that can inhibit or kill harmful bacteria. This herb is reported to be able to fight the activity of the bacterium Escherichia coli which causes diarrhea and the bacterium Streptococcus mutans which is the cause of plaque and cavities. The compounds in guarana, namely catechins or tannins, are believed to be the compounds that contribute to the antibacterial effect of this herb.

▪︎Maintain eye health

Guarana contains compounds that help fight oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is a major risk factor for age-related eye disorders such as macular degeneration, cataracts and glaucoma. Regular consumption of guarana is said to help maintain visual function, although further research is still needed.

▪︎Healthy skin

The skin is also an organ that guarana can heal. Due to its antioxidant and antimicrobial properties, guarana has been added to body care products such as creams, lotions, soaps, and hair products. The caffeine in guarana also helps improve blood flow to the skin.

▪︎Eliminate fatigue and improve concentration

Guarana is also popular as an ingredient in energy drinks. Because it contains caffeine, guarana can maintain concentration and reduce fatigue. In fact, it is said that guarana beans contain four to six times more caffeine than coffee beans.

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