250 Gram = $70

500 Gram = $94

1000 Gram = $163


▪︎Stroke Recovery
From the results of the study, it was stated that the first betel nut benefits were obtained from betel nut extract, namely for stroke recovery. Improvements in speech, bladder control, and muscle strength in patients taking betel nut extract.

▪︎Increase Sexual Arousal
The benefits of betel nut extract for men are very well known is to increase sexual arousal. This fruit is believed to increase sexual arousal because of the alkaloid content in the form of arekoline compounds in areca nut. If you consume betel nut extract, your sexual arousal will increase and your stamina during sexual intercourse will also be much better.

▪︎Energy boost
The reason behind the increasing popularity of betel nut extract is the energy boosting benefits of betel nut. Thanks to its stimulating effect, those who consume betel nut extract experience a rapid increase in energy levels. Many say that it wakes them up and offers energy to continue their daily routine. So, consuming betel nut extract can keep a person awake for a long time, which is especially beneficial when driving at night. The increased alertness as well as increased ability to handle tasks comes from the active ingredient arecoline-alkaloids along with the powerful stimulant of the central nervous system.

Research published in the U.S. The National Library of Medicine shows that the benefits of betel nut extract for schizophrenic patients are also very good. There was an improvement in symptoms in schizophrenic patients who consumed betel nut extract. Schizophrenia drugs generally produce unpleasant side effects. Efforts to consume betel nut extract is the best alternative

▪︎Strengthens teeth and prevents cavities
Areca nut has an antibacterial effect, so the benefits of betel nut can then be included as an ingredient in toothpaste to prevent cavities and consuming betel nut extract can strengthen teeth.

▪︎Overcoming Dry Mouth
The next benefit of betel nut is to reduce dry mouth. This is because people who consume betel nut extract tend to produce sufficient saliva It may also help people with dry mouth caused by health conditions such as diabetes and Sjogren’s syndrome

▪︎Prevent and treat stomach cramps during menstruation
Not only for men, the benefits of young betel nut for women are also many. This fruit is believed to help you prevent and treat stomach cramps before or during menstruation. The book The Way of Ayurvedic Herbs mentions that the benefits of betel nut can be used as a solution to the problem of cramps during menstruation. This is because the nutritional content will correct hormonal imbalances that occur in the body.

▪︎Overcoming Bad Breath
There are many causes of bad breath, ranging from food, tobacco products, poor dental hygiene, and other oral health problems. Fortunately, we can get the benefits of betel nut extract to treat bad breath because of its anti-bacterial properties that can kill germs that cause bad breath.

▪︎Can be used as a natural cosmetic ingredient
Not only for overall health, the benefits of betel nut extract for beauty are also very good. This fruit can be used for beauty tools, especially for those who often experience allergies to cosmetic ingredients. Citing an article from Bangkok Cosmetics, pharmacological data show that the benefits of betel nut extract can inhibit S. aureus, S. epidermidis, P. acnes which are the main causes of acne. Not only that, the content of antioxidants, inhibition of tyrosinase and bacteria, as well as safe cell toxicity tests allow betel nut extract to be developed and used as a safe cosmetic ingredient.

▪︎Prevent Anemia
The benefits of betel nut extract have also been widely used as a drug to treat anemia in pregnant women. Areca nut is good for dealing with severe iron deficiency and low blood glucose levels. The use of areca nut can help combat iron deficiency.

▪︎Overcoming Worms
Consuming betel nut extract can also help in the treatment of intestinal worms such as tapeworms and roundworms. This will help avoid problems associated with worms. Areca nut is one of the best vermifuge that can help treat intestinal worms

▪︎Control Diabetes
Arecholine is one of the natural chemicals present in betel nut. This particular biochemical has been analyzed to have major benefits against diabetes. Tests on laboratory animals show the benefits of betel nut can control blood glucose levels in the long term.

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