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Nymphaea caerulea appears to have been the world’s first party drug, and it continues to delight thrill-seekers and wellness enthusiasts today with the many compounds and properties it contains. Depicted in ancient Egyptian rock paintings along with wine, the blue lotus flower has become synonymous with euphoria and enhanced libido. However, the benefits of blue lotus go far beyond its ability to give users a good time — this plant truly is a medicinal wonder. Read on to discover the potential benefits of blue lotus for health, healing, and well-being in general.

Traditional Uses
While the blue lotus is thought to have originated along the Nile River in Egypt (where it still grows today), the plant was spread through trade and travel to India, China, and Central America, where it grew in cultivation and was used for medicinal purposes.

Active Compounds
To better understand this plant’s effects, botanists in India have recently identified the bioactive compounds of Nymphaea caerulea and described how these compounds might contribute to the plant’s wide range of effects. Seeing as the benefits of blue lotus itself have not yet been confirmed using clinical trials, looking at its constituents individually can help us build a picture of its full potential.

▪︎Alkaloids for Euphoric Mood Enhancement
You’ve heard about the alkaloids in kratom, kanna, and akuamma — the compounds that produce these plants’ mood-enhancing effects. Where kratom has mitragynine and 7-OHM, kanna has mesembrine, and akuamma has akuammine, many of the benefits of blue lotus can be linked with its two primary alkaloids: nuciferine and aporphine.
According to research, nuciferine and aporphine promote mood enhancement by activating certain receptors in the brain. In addition to its potential for producing euphoria, nuciferine has also piqued the interest of researchers for its potential in treating the inflammatory aspects.

▪︎Anthocyanins for Immune Support
We all love a good dose of alkaloids, but the benefits of blue lotus don’t stop there. The alkaloid anthocyanin, present in the flowers, leaves, and roots of blue lotus, is thought to boost the immune system.

▪︎Anthraquinones for Digestive Issues
Found in the flowers and leaves of blue lotus and rhubarb, anthraquinones have traditionally been used for stomachache and as a natural laxative.

▪︎Powerful Antioxidants for Health
We have been reminded frequently online of the importance of antioxidants for free radical protection, cardio health, and more youthful skin. Coumarins, flavonoids, and phenolic compounds in blue lotus provide antioxidant benefits that could help promote health in these important ways. Blue lotus was traditionally infused in wine, which would compound the plant’s antioxidant content!

▪︎Flavonoids for a Natural Antibiotic
Covering the last three points and more, the flavonoids in Nymphaea caerulea contribute to the benefits of blue lotus in several important ways. As well as acting as an anti-inflammatory and an antioxidant, flavonoids assist with chelating metals and can also inhibit antibiotic-resistant microbes.

▪︎Glycosides for Heart Health
Glycosides in the flowers, leaves, and rhizomes of blue lotus are said to provide natural support for a healthy heart.

▪︎Tannins and Leucoanthocyanins for Wound Healing
Astringents are important in topical medicine for tightening wounds and speeding up the healing process. Blue lotus contains two compounds with proven astringent properties — tannins and leucoanthocyanins.

▪︎Triterpenoids for the Relief of Pain and Inflammation
If you’ve read our past blogs about blue lotus, you will know that the traditional benefits of blue lotus include general relief for mild discomforts. This effect appears to be linked to the presence of triterpenoids (molecules made up of three terpene units) that exhibit analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects.

▪︎Steroids for Increased Sex Drive
And finally, the effect we’ve all been waiting for — the benefits of blue lotus for your sex life! The ancient Egyptian paintings of blue lotus in erotic scenes were definitely not wrong, as the steroids present in blue lotus’ flowers, leaves, and rhizomes have a direct effect on the user’s sex hormones and make this aquatic plant the perfect aphrodisiac.



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